It has been a very busy week! On Wednesday, my BFFs Joanie, Rita, and Phyllis gathered at my house to do some PUNCHING! Phyllis has been doing punchneedle work for several months and we all wanted to learn how. It is (well Phyllis' anyway!) beautiful work and fabulous therapy. Thanks to Phyllis' guidance we were all punching away and trying to make ours look as beautiful as hers. I think we were all "hooked" on this new needle art form. I will add it to my growing list of crafts. Like I need another one!!
I've also spent a lot of time sewing this week. I got to use my new Elna 444 Coverstitch machine. LOVE IT! I made a nice warm fleece top and did all the hemming on the Elna. Lots more of that to come.
I also made something I have been wanted to get to for months. Rita and I attended a Martha Pullen even in St. Louis over a year ago. It was a week long "sew-in" with Martha herself. (Love that woman!) I bought several embroidery machine design packs at the event. This one is my favorite. I finally made my chatelaine! I have been wanting to do this forever. It is a wonderful "gadget' for keeping all your hand sewing tools at the ready. (You wear it around your neck in case you don't know what a chatelaine is.) No more searching for lost scissors or hidden tools. I think it turned out beautifully.
This will make my sewing even more fun to do!
This has been a very productive week. Since we had snow yesterday, I turned up the heat in my (tongue firmly in cheek!) studio and went to work. Looking forward to more sewing and card making today.
Speaking of card making here are a couple of cards I made recently:
For a musical friend

A Christmas card