Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Bag for Miss Rosie

      My sister called the other day and told me about a little lady in her church named Miss Rosie.  In the south we always precede a lady's name with Miss (or Aunt - if she's very close!)  Miss Rosie teaches Bible study and has a wonderful ministry in their church.  My sister asked if I remembered the bag I had sent her for her birthday in which to carry her music.  It was embroidered with a grand piano and musical notes.  She furthered queried where I had gotten that bag.  I replied that, of course, I had made the bag myself - silly girl!  She proceeded to tell me about the ratty bag that Miss Rosie carries for her Bible and study materials.  Obviously, this bag is a complete disgrace!  We cannot have that.  So, knowing that I could not refuse her, my sister asked if I would make something more presentable for Miss Rosie's stuff.
     I went to my computer and looked through the designs I have and found one I thought would be perfect.  It is a Sunbonnet Sue reading her Bible by Embroidery Library (  I get some of my best designs from them.  I added a couple of floral fluorishes (from a design CD called Spring Linens - I think by OESD) and her name.  I stitched it out on my Babylock Ellisimo.  It took most of a day to stitch out the design and about half an hour to put the bag together.  LOL!!  I must admit, if I could get by with carrying a bag monogramed "Miss Rosie" I'd keep this thing.  It is just way too cute!

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